29. März 2011

sanselig sommer.






Bald ist es soweit, am 04.04.11 erscheint das norwegische Buch * Sanselig Sommer *.

Die Autorin Franciska Munck-Johansen ist bekannt als Fotografin für eine Reihe von Interieur Magazinen und ihrem Blog Franciska Vakre Verden.

Das Buch enthält eine Auswahl ihrer eigenen besten Sommer Bilder und Ideen von ausgewählten Interieur Bloggern.

Das Buch ist in norwegischer Sprache mit 200 Seiten und mehr als 450 Farbbildern.

Wer mag findet es hier.


Alles Liebe




PS.: Leider gab es in Norwegen technische Probleme in der Druckerei,
ab 12.04.11 wird das Buchvon dort versandt, wir warten auf das Eintreffen...;o)

Mail von Franciska vom 29.04.11

Dear Reseller of the book Summer for all of the senses

I was getting worried about the books, when nobody had received their books despite the fact that the printing office has repeatedly confirmed that they have sent out the books.

Today I have therefore managed to track down the bookbinder used and talked with them. It turns out that the printing office had not sent everything they should to them and they haven't paid their bill to them. Therefore, the bookbinder haven't finished the books yet!

Everything is now ready at the bookbinder. (They have even sent me pictures of it) It turnsout that they first got the guts from the printing office today and it is now only money that is missing. I have therefore now taken matters into my own hands and now the bookbinder relates only to me. The only bright spot is that the bookbinder could tell that the printing office delivers high quality and that the book looks very good.

The books will, as soon as they are ready from the bookbinder, be sent directly toForlagsentralen which is the largest Norwegian distributor of books. We have through our publishing company used them for 8 years and have been very happy with them. The books should there fore be in good hands here.

I am truly sorry for the situation and so sorry that you have had to wait so long for the book. I am a person who sets a great honor to keep what I promise and I have never ever experienced being so poorly treated and lied to.

I hope you will continue to have a little patience and I promise to do everything I can to make sure that you get the books as quickly as possible.

Thank you very much

All the best


Franciska Munck-Johansen
Photographer and writer

PO Box 82, 1441 Drøbak